Some Important Principles To Wear The Tulsi Accessories
One of the major questions that many religious people have asked while wearing Original Tulsimala is whether there are any tenets to it or not.
While many may say that there aren’t any rules to wear Original Tulsi Kanthi mala. But fortunately, these laws ensure maximum efficiency.
Original Tulsi Mala Rules & Regulations:
Normally, the mala can be worn by only the initiated devotees. They have to be staunch believers in the course.
However, those who are yet to find their belief may do it under the following conditions.
- Those who chant the maha-mantra
- Those who have been following four regulative principles
- Moreover, those avoid the consumption of onion and garlic for a certain period. The most significant time limit is six months.
- Lastly, those who have the resolve to strictly follow the rules may wear the Original Tulsimala.
As we already know that the Tulsi mala is pure. So our physical mental purity is important as well to wear it.
Wearing the Tulsi mala implies the fact that we are ready to surrender to Lord Krishna. It also goes on to show that we are ready to follow the devotional rules. In addition, we have mentioned a few rules.
- One should always follow the four regulative principles while wearing the Pure Tulsi Mala. These are saying no to meat, gambling, intoxication, and illicit sex.
- Saying no to drinking tea and coffee falls here as well.
- Stop consuming onion and garlic. Only honor prasad
- Never remove Kanthi Mala for any reason.
It is believed among many that if one dies wearing Kanthi mala will be taken as Vishnu’s servants to Vaikuntha lokas.
- Should I quit Onion, Garlic, Coffee & Tea before wearing Kanthi mala (Tulasi mala)?
Yes. You are not required to consume such beverages and ingredients.
Now that you know everything about wearing the Original Tulsimala, you may apply it accordingly.